STF Fashion does digital & circular

Highlights BLICKFANG Zürich

Digitalization is revolutionizing the textile industry. At the same time, we can’t look away when it comes to sustainability. The STF is contributing – with individual curricula and the right offers, for students in full-time, workers, and creatives.

How can you develop clothes on a virtual 3D – Avatar? How are Fashion-Designers able to use Social Media right? And how do you plan a strategy on sustainability and resourcefulness?

The answers to all these and many other questions are taught in the STF Swiss Textileschool in their curricula and studies. With that, the renowned private school is focusing on the changes in the textile industry due to digitalization.
Because the future of creating textiles is the connection of various possibilities with digital technology, in acting in niche areas, and the sustainable usage of resources. That is where STF is positioning themselves with their <<STF-LAB>>, which includes three fields of businesses. The main field is <<Education>>. A lot of new and exciting studies keep being added, such as the Bachelor of Interior Design or CAS in Sustainability Management.

The studies are extended by various offers of courses in the evening all-around Social Media, Shoes & Accessories, CAD Graphics, Welding & Bonding, Functional  & Smart Textiles, etc.

In <<Incubator & Makerspace>> the STF offers attractive workspaces for young startups in the middle of Zurich. With that, unique machinery is been offered such as a Bodyscanner, Plotter, textile Printers and Laser cutters, and more. Curious people in Jobs in the textile industry are able to test the quality and the fabric of their products in the textile lab. All on this, the offer is added by the <<Think Tank & Consulting>>-Department. The third pillar of STF-Labs.

From left to right:

Look by Judy Dietziker            
STF Absolventin
Fashion Design HFP  

Look by Tina Ruff                         
STF Absolventin
Fashion Design HFP 

Look by Kira Wyss
STF Absolventin
Fashion Design & Technology

Schweizerische Textilfachschule
T: +41 (0)44 360 41 51
Hallwylstrasse 71 · 8004 Zürich

Die STF Schweizerische Textilfachschule ist DAS Kompetenzzentrum in der Textil-, Fashion- und Lifestylebranche in der Schweiz seit 1881.

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