Style enthusiasts can look forward to individual design products from around 150 carefully curated furniture, fashion and jewelry labels from all over Europe. Design which cannot be found anywhere else in Vienna, for three days at the museum of applied arts.

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For all those who love the unique

BLICKFANG, the design fair, is finally back at the MAK!

Visitors can look forward to exceptional design that you won’t find anywhere else in Vienna: around 150 carefully selected furniture, fashion and jewellery labels from Austria, Germany, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary, France, Italy, Poland, Slovenia, Serbia and the USA will be there.

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Opening times 2025

FR I 07. Nov I 12-20 h
SA I 08. Nov I 10-19 h
SO I 09. Nov I 10-18 h

Entrance fees

Day ticket: 13 EUR
3-Days ticket: 25 EUR
Reduced*: 11 EUR

With the BLICKFANG ticket you can also visit the MAK exhibition on the same day.

Get your ticket online now and goes straight to the entrance

* for pupils/students and people with disabilities with valid ID.

Children up to and including 14 years free.

Dogs are not allowed.

We offer a guarded checkroom for a fee.

Das ist die Blickfang

MAK Wien
Weiskirchnerstraße 3
1010 Wien
Plan journey


APCOA PARKING Austria GmbH: Vordere Zollamtsstraße 5; 1030 Wien: 2,50 EUR/h

Wipark Garagen GmbH: Justizzentrum; Marxergasse 1a; Landstraße; 1030 Wien: 4,00 EUR/h

Centermanagement by CCReal: Wien Mitte The Mall; Landstraßer Hauptstraße 1b; Landstraße; 1030 Wien: 3,90 EUR/h

PUBLIC TRANSPORT – from Stephansplatz

Bus: Linie 3A, 74A: Bis Stubentor  + 170m footway
Straßenbahn: Linie U3: Bis Stubentor + 210m footway


Hauptmedienpartner und Sponsoren 2024

Medienpartner 2024

Partner 24


Regelmäßig neue Inspiration und frische Trends aus der unabhängigen Designszene – passend zu deinem individuellen Lebensstil.

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